Glassport, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The poverty rate in Glassport, PA is 10.6%. This is lower than the national average of 9.29%. The median gross rent in Glassport is $596 per month. Those in poverty are considered lower-middle-class residents. Glassport is home to a large Jewish population. Approximately 11% of residents are unemployed. For this reason, Glassport is home to many families with children.

The population of Glassport is 4k people. This number includes 2,098 men and 2,240 women. The median age is forty-five and the median household income is $40,823. The borough's population is comprised of both males and females. There are 1.6 people from each race and ethnic group in Glassport. The median household income is $40,823.

The Glassport Coal Company submitted the lowest bid for the project. The city gave them $1,500 in appreciation for faithful performance. The company did not care about the trees in Glassport. It is, however, the largest employer in the city. The city is home to about 2,500 people. In addition to that, the area is home to several churches, one of which is the Glassport Christian Church.