Gibsonia, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When planning your trip to Gibsonia City, PA, you may be wondering about the demographics of the area. There are plenty of things to consider, including the area's average income and median home ownership rate. Below, you'll find data about the surrounding population and demographics. Find out how these metrics compare to those of other nearby communities. Here, you'll also find out how many people live in Gibsonia and how many work from home in the area.

The chart above shows the percentage of households in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania who commute via different means of transportation. It uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, so that variation can be seen in smaller means of transportation. For example, a chart like this shows how many households in Gibsonia, PA have two cars, while the largest percentage has none. This chart is based on the 2010 Census, and the data shows that 99.5% of the adult population in Gibsonia, PA has health coverage, with 66.1% of residents on employee plans, 3.27% on Medicaid, and 11.2% on non-group or military plans.

The census-designated place of Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, is an unincorporated neighborhood that borders the neighboring city of Lakeland. As of the 2010 Census, the city's population was 2,733 people. During the same time period, its population grew by 0.6%. The median household income in Gibsonia, PA is $92,198, compared to $115,607 in 2019. It is estimated that two-thirds of the population is Hispanic. The city is home to 107 foreign-born residents. This is lower than the national average.