Forkston Township, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the population and steets of a city, Forkston Township is located in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. The 2010 census reported that the population of Forkston Township was 397. You'll find out what the median household income is in Forkston township, Pennsylvania below. In addition, the average property tax rate in Forkston township, Pennsylvania, was 1.4% last year. Pennsylvania state income tax is 3.07%.

The 2010 census counted 397 residents, living in 170 households. The median household income was $47,266 and the median family income was $65,417. The percentage of married couples was 56.7%, while females comprised 4.7% of households. The Township had a population density of 4.2 people per square mile (1.6 per km2), with a median age of 46.3. The population was spread out and included people of all races, including those of mixed-race backgrounds.

The population of Forkston Township City is mainly white. There are many families and young people in this city. The percentage of single adults and children under 18 is slightly lower than average. Vacancies in Forkston Township City are slightly higher than average, and the number of families is above average. Residents of Forkston Township City have a college education, which means they are better prepared to get a job in this city.