Forks Twp, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Forks Twp City is located in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. It's located about 20 miles west of the state's border with New Jersey. This township has a population of 14,570, nearly double the population of its neighboring Easton. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission projects steady growth to 20,000 by 2030. The township bridges past and present, with a historical society established only 10 years ago.

The percentage of foreign born residents in Forks township is 9.8%. The same percentage of foreign-born residents is found in neighboring Easton, Pennsylvania. Forks township's population is more diverse than its neighbor, however. Its population is comprised of both males and females. Overall, the population is mostly composed of older residents and people with college degrees.

The township's historical significance dates back to the colonial period. The town was populated by German settlers who lived peacefully with Lenape Indians. The town was largely agricultural until the mid-19th century. The town was developed around the Bushkill Creek and Delaware River, which were once used to power distilleries and mills. The town is known for its historical significance, with a restored merchant's wagon displayed in the Municipal Building.

The historical society was founded by Karl Miller and his friends and has since taken the lead role in preserving the town's history. The society has about 30 members and has collected items ranging from lenape Indian artifacts to Civil War diaries. These treasures are now kept in homes of the members of the society. Miller hopes to build a museum to exhibit them.