Forest Grove, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering how many people live in Forest Grove City. To find out how many people live in this city, check out the population and steets statistics. For more detailed information, you can consult the city's official website. This information is based on Washington County statistics and is updated frequently. You can also find out what the median income is in this city. To determine the average income for a person living in Forest Grove, check out the Area Median Income (AMI) level.

As you can see, Forest Grove has a small but diverse population. Its main employers include Tektronix, a company that spun off in 1994. Today, Merix Corporation is the biggest employer in Forest Grove and employs nearly a tenth of the city's workforce. In the early twenty-first century, healthcare and education were the most common industries in the city. The population consists of both urban and suburban areas.

When Forest Grove began growing, additional settlers tended to settle in the area. Educators were needed in the town, and the school opened its doors to Native American children in 1848. Native American children were few and far between in the 1840s. Religious settlers felt it was their responsibility to educate and civilize the Native Americans in the Willamette Valley. The school was a success, as it provided much needed jobs for the area.