Fishertown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Fishertown City, PA is 519 people, a mix of males and females. The median age for males is 33.4, while the median age for females is 38. There are approximately 591 births and 537 deaths every year in Fishertown. The race and ethnicity breakdown of the city is varied, with 518 residents of one race and one person of two or more races.

To get a feel for the population, here are the city's demographics. You can find the population and steets by comparing the area's area with the population of other nearby cities. The list is a handy resource for planning trips or just getting a feel for the town. You can also find out the distance from Fishertown to any of the nearby towns. With this information, you can find a place to stay and explore the surrounding area.

Violent crime statistics for Fishertown City indicate that the city's racial population is relatively low. While many crimes occur in the areas around major airports, fewer people live near public recreation areas. This means that violent crime statistics may appear inflated. But bear in mind that a low number of people in an area does not necessarily mean that it's unsafe. It's not uncommon for crime to occur in areas where only a few people are present.

Although most residents drive their own private automobile, quite a few carpool with neighbors, coworkers, and friends. This makes owning a car handy for commuting to work. However, the percentage of people who own cars in Fishertown is still higher than that of 99.5% of all U.S. neighborhoods. It's important to note that demographic data can be inaccurate or incomplete, but this information should provide a general idea of the area's current population.