Finleyville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Finleyville, PA is composed of 97.3% white people and 0.8% black and Hispanic people. About 7.08 out of every 100 residents are homeowners, compared to 3.5 per cent who rent. The overall high school graduation rate is 81%. The most common occupation is service, followed by manufacturing and then professional and management jobs. If you're looking to rent a home in Finleyville, PA, you may want to search for properties that fit your needs.

Finleyville, PA has 3,536 households. Of these, 2,272 are family households and 1,264 are non-family households. The median household income is $66,651 per year, while the average cost of housing is $733 a month. Finleyville's demographics reflect its diverse population: 2% of the population has no college education. Forty percent have completed some or all of their high school education, while another 23% have some college experience. 7% of the population holds a graduate degree.

Finleyville, PA has an average per capita income of $32,041, which is low by Pennsylvania standards, but is still much higher than the national median. For a family of four, this figure is $128,164. Finleyville is home to a wide mix of socioeconomic backgrounds, including many wealthy residents and many lower-income families. While the median household income in Finleyville is $32,188, there are many low-income residents, too.