Fallsington, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Fallsington City is located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It is part of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. This city is home to approximately 3,900 residents. If you're looking to move to Fallsington City, PA, you'll want to know the population and stites of the town. This information will help you find a good place to start.

Fallsington / Wheat Sheaf, PA real estate consists of mainly medium-sized single-family homes and small mobile homes. Most homes are owner-occupied, and the average home is between one and two bedrooms. The median price of these homes is higher than the average for 63.3% of U.S. neighborhoods.

This area is part of a census-designated place, which is a geographical area designated by the U.S. Census Bureau to compile demographic data. These are not legal jurisdictions under Pennsylvania law, but they are still included. This information is useful for local decision makers to better serve residents.

QuickFacts offers demographic information for all 50 states, counties, and cities. QuickFacts is particularly useful for towns with populations of five hundred or more. Keep in mind, however, that QuickFacts estimates are based on sample data and may not be comparable to other geographic levels. Listed statistics may have sampling errors, so if you're looking for more specific information, be sure to click on the "Quick Info" icon located on each row.