Falls Creek, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographic data below shows the population & steets of Falls Creek City, Pennsylvania. The percentage of those living in poverty varies from city to city, but in general the lower the number, the better off the community is. The poverty rate in Falls Creek is 10.2%, while that of New Florence and Ridgway are 9.7%. For more detailed demographic information, you can visit the links below.

The average income in Falls Creek is $33,417 for men and $19,732 for women. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is 15.1%, while the percentage of those under the age of 18 is 11.5%. The median age in Falls Creek is 38.5 years. Many people live in Falls Creek because of the affordable housing. The population is largely white, with a small minority of blacks.

The closest major cities are listed below. These cities are listed by increasing distance. These are often the places that you'd want to check out during your road trip or vacation. If you want to visit Falls Creek City, you can search for nearby towns to see what they have to offer. Listed below are the cities and towns that are closest to Falls Creek. If you're planning a road trip, check out the towns and cities within four hours' drive of the area.

The late 1800s saw the growth of Falls Creek, with lumber yards, a tannery, glass plants, a brick factory, and a huge stone quarry. The city grew to surpass the size of DuBois, with a new road connecting it to the town of Jefferson. The city also had plans to build a new water supply and sewage system, but they were robbed of those initiatives by the Jefferson County boom.