Enon Valley, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article we'll take a look at the Population & Steets in Eno Valley City. This is a city in Pennsylvania that is located in the Lawrence County metropolitan area. The population was 297 at the 2020 census. It is part of the New Castle micropolitan area. If you're looking for a city with a small population, Enon Valley might be for you.

The map below shows the racial makeup of Enon Valley. The shaded areas indicate a racial majority. The darker the shade, the more diverse the area. If the area is less diverse, it's red. The higher the diversity score, the lower the rate of crime. However, it's important to understand that neighborhoods in Enon Valley are generally safer than their surrounding cities.

The poverty rate for the city of Enon Valley is 8.3%, which is slightly lower than the state average. The area has a low-poverty rate, with just a few people in the lowest-income bracket living in poverty. The median income for residents of Enon Valley is $619, which is lower than that of neighboring cities. If you're looking for a place to call home, Enon Valley is the right place to live.

The population of Enon Valley is young, and its youth is diverse. Almost one-third of the city's population is under the age of 15.