Elliottsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Elliottsburg? The city is home to approximately 1,788 people. Of this total, 883 are males and 905 are females. The median age is 36, and the average number of births and deaths is 360. There are two races represented in the population of Elliottsburg, with one race accounting for 1,528 residents and two for ten. The percentage of single people living in Elliottsburg is approximately 55%.

The population and steets in the city of Elliottsburg, PA are listed below. The majority racial groups are shown on the map below. The data reflects the self-identification race of those who live in Elliottsburg. Darker shades indicate a larger racial majority. Additionally, this page includes information regarding the diversity scores and racial composition of the city.

In addition to this, there are many cities located near the city of Ellisburg. The center of each city is approximately 52 miles from Elliottsburg, PA. If you plan to explore the area, these large cities are useful for booking flights between airports. Similarly, smaller cities are useful for road trips. When you have a list of cities within a day's travel time, you can look up any city that is closer to Ellisburg.