Eldred, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in ElDred City, PA. These statistics should give you an idea of the diversity of Eldred. The city is home to 617 people, of which 100% are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Eldred, PA is $81,100, and the homeownership rate is 73.3%. Approximately 77 percent of the population of Eldred, PA drives to work alone. The median car ownership rate in Eldred is two vehicles per household. And, the percentage of non-English-speaking residents is 0.972%.

If you're concerned about safety, consider the crime rate in Eldred City. Crime rates are relatively low in Eldred, and are far lower than the national average. However, it's important to note that a high crime rate does not necessarily mean a dangerous neighborhood. Rather, the city's crime rates can be inflated because of daytime visitors. Crime rates in Eldred are generally higher in central areas than in the southern and western parts of the city.

The Eldred census indicates that the majority of the city's residents are white. The darker the shade of the color, the larger the racial majority. The information also includes diversity scores. For local advertising, the population of Eldred is likely to be similar to the state's average. The median household income in Eldred is $37,178. The average household income is $44,888. The high school graduation rate in Eldred is 79%.