Effort, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Effort, PA is a small city in Pennsylvania with a population of 2,362 people. The majority of residents are U.S. citizens, with 7.47% of the total population being foreign-born. The two largest industries in Effort are Health Care & Social Assistance and Transportation & Warehousing. The highest-paying industries in Effort are Professional, Scientific, & Management Services and Transportation & Utilities.

Effort, PA homeowners pay more property taxes than the national average. In 2020, the median home value in Effort, PA is $169,400, which is 79.3% higher than the national average. The city's homeownership rate is 79.3%, and the median household has two cars.

The most common means of transportation in Effort are cars and public transportation. Nearly 85% of residents in Effort, PA drive alone to work. Similarly, 5.98% use public transportation to commute to work. The chart below depicts how many households in Effort, PA use each mode of transportation. It uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show variation in the number of people who use these methods of transportation.