Edgeworth, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Edgeworth City, PA, is 6,207 as of the 2016 Census. Its population is made up of a mixture of people, with a majority of white people. In addition, a significant number of people in the city have an ancestry from various other countries. In addition, the city is home to a number of Aboriginal people. Additionally, a large portion of the local population is composed of people aged 65 years or older.

In the 2016 Census, there were 644 households in the city. The majority of these households were married, with an average of two people per household. Among the remaining households, a small number of female householders did not have a husband present. Moreover, a significant number of non-families made up 20.8% of the population. Senior citizens and other groups made up 11.3% of the population.

A substantial portion of the population in Edgeworth was employed. In the week before the Census, 32.8% of working adults in the city worked unpaid in their homes. Another thirty-one percent worked in a paid job. A small number of individuals, however, did voluntary work through an organisation or group. Ten percent worked at least thirty hours a week. The population of Edgeworth City was diverse.

The City's population is composed of urban sophisticates who are highly educated, employed in professional fields, and have sophisticated tastes. Typically, these people also support quality clothing stores and luxury travel. Moreover, they give their support to arts and cultural organizations. With such diverse demographics, Edgeworth is the perfect place for a thriving business community. When looking at Edgeworth's population and steets, you'll see a wide variety of socioeconomic characteristics of its residents.