East Waterford, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how to find out the Population & Steets in Eastwaterford City, New York, you've come to the right place. The statistics below will provide you with a quick overview of this thriving community. Listed below are some of the important points to keep in mind. Keep reading to discover more about the area. The population of Eastwaterford City, New York, is approximately 8,000.

Broad Street: This stretch of Broad Street is a residential neighborhood with a mix of single-family and multi-family homes. It also contains some of the Village of Waterford's commercial district, and is bounded by the Old Champlain Canal, Waterford Flight, and Eighth Street. The majority of buildings are two or three stories high, with a mixture of single-family residences and multi-family dwellings.

The civilian labor force includes residents 16 and older, excluding those in the armed forces. In East Waterford City, the civilian labor force has increased by about 15% since 1980, driven by two major trends in the country: the rise of women in the workforce and the expansion of the private sector. Additionally, the population of waterford city has remained relatively unchanged from 1980 to 1990, despite a small increase in the number of armed forces members.

The Town of East Waterford is comprised of four census-designated places. The town's representative town meeting has fifteen members, with ten Democrats, one Independent voter, and seven Republicans. As of 2021, there were ten Democrats, one Unaffiliated voter, and one Republican elected to represent the town. However, the Town's population is still lower than the national average, and is declining rapidly.