East Vandergrift, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Located in southeast Michigan, the city is home to a diverse mix of residents from all ethnicities. The population of Vandergrift Heights & West Vandergrift is mostly composed of people of German, Irish, and Polish descent. This neighborhood is the most diverse of its neighbors, with more than a quarter of all residents reporting being of Polish or Irish ancestry.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the East Vandergrift city area has a population of 102,863 people. This city has a high rate of crime, based on its number of visitors and residents. This is particularly true of its few retail establishments. Although most of the crimes occur in blocks with few residents, these are not necessarily dangerous for residents. While the rate of crime in East Vandergrift is high compared to the national average, it is still considered safe to live in the area.

The area's population is largely White, with a minority of Black or African-American residents living in the community. There are also a few minority groups, including Hispanics and Asians. The median household income in East Vandergrift is $42,569, which is higher than the national average of $41,667. There are around 761 people living in East Vandergrift, and 47.9% of them are either single, married, or have dependents.

West Vandergrift has a higher vacancy rate than the rest of the city, with a 13.1% vacancy rate. The high vacancy rate is likely a sign of low demand for residential real estate in the area. Some residents may consider this a sign of new housing or unoccupied housing, which is why so many homes in the area remain empty. While this reflects the poor economic state of the city, it also shows that the area's housing stock is still fairly affordable and that the neighborhood is affordable.