East Prospect, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in East prospect City? Start by examining the racial demographics of the area. East Prospect has an 88.5% white population, with only 1.3% of residents being black. Hispanic residents comprise 4.1% of the community, according to the 2010 Census. The poverty rate is 2.2%, and about 1.6% of residents are below the federal poverty line. Nearly seventy-three percent of the population in East Prospect City is employed, and 80.9% of the population is educated.

While only a third of Americans are considered to be under the age of 15, nearly one-third of the population of East Prospect City is single. Among the city's adults, 6.7% of East Prospect residents are veterans. Pennsylvania's adult population has a total of 7.7% civilian veterans. For the rest of the United States, this percentage is higher than the national average. In East Prospect, the median household income is $77,000.

While East Prospect is a growing city, it remains one of the smallest. Its population of 930 fell 0.1% between 2010 and 2020. That's why it ranked 10,524th in the United States in 2010.