East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in East Pitt City? Find out what you can learn about East Pittsburgh City with the links below. Also, find out how commute times compare to other cities in PA. Also, learn about the high percentage of college graduates in the area. If you want to know more about this Pittsburgh, PA neighborhood, read this article. Here are the stats you need to know.

The city of Pittsburgh is located in west-central Pennsylvania near the confluence of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers. Its climate is pleasant in most months, except for January and February. The most comfortable months to live in East Pittsburgh are June, August, and September. The most uncomfortable months are January and February. Residents of East Pittsburgh must be prepared for these months. But, there are also many things to do and see during these months.

The total population of East Pittsburg, PA is 1,844. Out of that number, 55.3 percent are black and 38.9% are white. The other two races are Hispanic and Asian. The remaining two groups make up less than one percent of the population. In addition to the racial makeup, the median age of the population is 32. The estimated population growth for East Pittsburgh is 4% each year.

While Pittsburgh has many thriving neighborhoods, it can be dangerous in some. The East Hills neighborhood is a notoriously dangerous neighborhood. In addition, this Pittsburgh neighborhood is also home to the University of Pittsburgh and the Andy Warhol Museum. While Pittsburgh may be known as the Steel City, the city has moved beyond the steel industry. Despite the dangers, the city has many positives - a great atmosphere, numerous educational institutions, and a thriving economy.