East Liberty, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population and Steets of East Liberty City? The answer is complicated, but it is worth a look. Here are a few things to consider. After reading this article, you'll have an idea of the demographics and economics of East Liberty City. This is the first step toward planning a successful neighborhood. It's important to understand the current situation in order to make the best possible plans.

Poverty rate. One-third of the East Liberty population lives below the poverty line, and this number is higher for women. The median household income is about one-third of the county average, and unemployment is around 13 percent. The region is mostly made up of African American residents, and its population decreased by 11% in the 1990s. However, a recent census has shown that East Liberty, OH's population has become more diverse, with nearly half of its residents identifying with African American backgrounds.

A thriving neighborhood, with new businesses and housing being built throughout the city, is becoming an attractive option. The city's blight has been eased by a recent economic recovery. Currently, Liberty City's unemployment rate is less than half of what it was in the past. Moreover, the city is home to several large corporations and other small businesses. There is more business in the area than ever before.