Driftwood, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Driggwood City? The population in Driftwood is 74 people, and the median household income is $33,750. To determine how close the city is to the state average, you can find the county and state statistics. Using this information, you can plan a trip to Driftwood City or explore the area. To get a general idea of the area, you can find the distance from Driftwood to other nearby cities.

In Driftwood, crime rates are low in most areas. Crime occurs most often in commercial areas, while residential areas have fewer crimes. A high crime rate is not a sign that your neighborhood is dangerous, but it does indicate that some areas are more vulnerable to crimes than others. Look at the crime rate map to determine whether Driftwood is safe for families to live. You can also see how many crimes occur in Driftwood each year by district. Crime rates can vary greatly based on where you live.

The Driftwood Census Designated Place is a federally recognized place with a U1 Census Class Code. This means it is an official federally recognized place and has a Functional Status Code of "S". Driftwood City is located in Hays County, Texas, which is one of 20 states that use Census County Divisions to track subdivisions. The Driftwood Census Designated Place is part of the Kyle-Buda Division.