Douglassville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Douglassville City? Find out by browsing our population map! Here you'll find a detailed breakdown of the city's racial makeup by neighborhood. The majority of people in Douglassville identify as white, but you can also look up minority groups in the area. The diversity score for Douglassville is also available. Listed below are the racial groups in Douglassville City.

Crime statistics for Douglassville, GA indicate a much lower crime rate than 91.4 percent of U.S. cities. The city has a crime rate of 229 per 100,000 people, compared to the national average of 338 per 1,000 residents. There are several reasons why you may want to consider moving to Douglassville, GA. The population is largely white, and property crime is low. But, if you're looking to live in a safe area, you should consider living in the southeast section of the city.

In Douglassville, PA, 19.3% of the population is white. The median income is $27,656. The city has a density of 369 people per square mile, and a total population of 618 residents. The city has a low poverty rate, with 28.0% of residents living below the federal poverty level. One in five people is a widow, while 25.7% of people do not have health insurance. The median age of residents in Douglassville is 78 years. The most common foreign birthplaces in Douglassville, PA are China, India, and the Dominican Republic.

The city's demographics are a mix of young and old people. A quarter of the population is under 20 years old, and almost half of that is under the age of 25. The city's age distribution is based on age groups, with people aged five to eighteen years old making up the other half. The city has a thriving downtown, and several fast-food restaurants and chains can be found in the Douglas Boulevard Corridor.