Dixonville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city is home to around 180 people and is located in the state of Iowa. The population of Dixonville is predominantly white. However, it is not uncommon to find individuals of other races in the community. The city has a small Hispanic community and the percentage of Hispanic residents is low.

A quick look at the area's economy will reveal that the economy of Dixonville is doing well. The city is home to a variety of industries and has a relatively high concentration of professionals working in the area. The majority of Dixonville's workforce is employed in the business, professional, and executive fields. However, there is also a significant percentage of the population working in sales and clerical occupations.

Dixonville has a low rate of poverty. Only 0.00 percent of the local population lives below the federal poverty level. The poverty rate in Dixonville is much lower than the national average of 14.1%. The city's median house value is $153,100 and the median rent is - per month. The median age of the population is 54.7 years for males and 54.8 years for females.

Dixonville is located about 39 km north of Grimshaw and is accessible via Highway 689. The city's population is about 108. There are only 37 dwellings in the city. Most homes in Dixonville are owner-occupied.