Dingmans Fry, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Dingmans Fry City, Pennsylvania is located in the state of Pennsylvania. The population is mostly white, with about 12% of the total population being African American. A small percentage of residents are Hispanic, with 7.2% of the total population identifying as such. The median household income is $53,660, with a high school graduation rate of 80. Among those living in Dingmans Fry City, only 23% have a college degree.

If you're thinking of buying a billboard ad for your business, you should consider learning more about the area and the people living there. A little bit of information can go a long way. Population and Steets in Dingmans Fry City, PA are readily available online. Once you know the basic statistics, you can purchase your billboard advertisement on the Internet.

Dingmans Ferry was originally located along the Delaware River. The town was originally included in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area until the Corps of Engineers acquired the land for the Tocks Island Dam project. However, the town was never incorporated. During the late 19th century, Dingmans Ferry was home to the Dingman-Delaware Primary School and the Dutch Reformed Church.