Dilltown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population & steets in Dilltown City, you have come to the right place. You can view the population, street, and school steets in Dilltown City, Pennsylvania. With the current population, you can get a good sense of the size of the town and what is going on in the neighborhood. To learn more about the community, please read on.

There are several large cities within 52 miles of Dilltown City, PA. It can be useful to find the major airport near Dilltown City. You can also use these cities for flights between different airports. Or, you can even find cities that are close to Dilltown City to get a feel for the city's population. This way, you can plan your trip and get a feel for the community.

There are seventy-one people living in Dilltown. They are split between 32 males and 39 females. The median age of males in the city is 43, while the median age of females is 36.5. The population of Dilltown City is made up of different races. The racial makeup of the city is a mix of whites and blacks, and if all of the residents were white, the place would be a blackhole.

ZIP code 15929 is the primary zip code for Dilltown City, Pennsylvania. This ZIP code has one default name and five-digit extension. Use the five-digit extension to get more detailed information. Then, enter the zip code 5 plus 4 into the search field and you will be able to see the ZIP code 15929. There are approximately seventy-five residents living in Dilltown.