Coulters, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Coulters City, Georgia, is approximately 26,889 people. In 2010, there were 14,785 housing units at an average density of 1,221.0 per square mile. Of these, 9,266 households were owner-occupied while 5,000 were occupied by renters. The overall vacancy rate in the city was 1.3%, while the homeowner vacancy rate was 5.3%. The median age in Coulters City was 36 years. There were more male residents than females, with a male to female ratio of 95:3. The city has an average population density of 31.6 per square mile.

The median house value in Coulters is $63,500. The median cost of rent is $514 per month, and the median house value is $63,500. The median age in Coulter is 43.3 years old. Men are 37.7 years old, and women are 48.6 years old. Coulter is the eighth largest city in Iowa, and the largest in Franklin County. There are more than 100 businesses in Coulter.

The poverty rate in Coulters is 3.9%, with 0.0% of the population living in poverty. The unemployment rate is 2.9% for residents sixteen and older, with 15.8% of the population working for the government. Coulter residents make an average of $44,750 per year. The median household income is $16,200. The population's age is generally a combination of males and females.