Bird In Hand, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out how much money the residents of Bird In Hand make, you can check out the latest data on its population and steeps. This city has a lower poverty rate than the average American community, at 12.8%. You can use the Pennsylvania Census Data Comparison tool to learn more about the city's demographics. The list below shows some of the most interesting facts about Bird In Hand.

The median annual income in Bird-in-Hand, PA is $57,911. This is below the national median of $65,712. For those wondering, this means that females earn an average of $48,068 while males make an average of $52,851. This reflects income inequality of 0.469, which means that there are more women than men living in Bird-in-Hand. There are 337 people in the city, and the largest employment sectors are Manufacturing, Other Services, Except Public Administration, and Accommodation & Food Services. Overall, the city has a lower poverty rate than Pennsylvania.

The median property value in Bird-in-Hand, PA was $407,500 in 2019. This was a decrease from $413,200 in 2017. The homeownership rate is 65.5% and people drive alone to work. The median property owner owns four cars. 0% of the residents live in a home with more than two bedrooms, while 49% own a home. The median household income is $57,917.