Netarts, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the population and steets in Netarts City, Oregon will give you a general idea of its size. The city covers an area of about three-fourths of the size of Oregon. The median property value in the city was $267,200 in 2019. This is below the national average of $273,300. The median homeownership rate in the city is 50.1%, lower than the national average of 64.5%. Netarts residents commute to work by car, with a commute time of about 20 minutes. Median car ownership is approximately two cars per household.

Although Netarts is a smaller city than other cities in Oregon, it is home to a relatively large population of foreign-born people. Its population of foreign-born residents is only 0.7% smaller than the average of the U.S. population. In comparison, the average family size in the city of Tillamook is 82.6%. This means that Netarts is a small town, but a growing city.

The area was first settled in 1863, with three-four claims taken up on the site. There were one family and two or three bachelors living there. Then, in 1864, Captian Portugee Thompson's house was built and he paid T.H. McCormick, a farmer, lived with his father and a squaw on the head of the bay. Another early settler, "Mr. Grimes", settled in the area. He began harvesting oysters with a 30-mule pack and sent the harvest to San Francisco.