Molalla, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering: "What is the Population & Steets of Molalla City?" There are many statistics that can help you answer that question. Below, you'll find details on the city's ethnic makeup, such as its race, age, and gender. Its population density is calculated in people per square mile. Compare those numbers to the state average for Molalla, or the national average for Oregon.

Population & Steets in MolALLA, Oregon

The population of Molalla City is less than ten thousand. There are many things to do in the city besides shopping. Despite its small size, Molalla is an ideal place to visit for outdoor activities. It is situated on the Oregon-Washington border. Outdoor activities in Molalla include fishing, scenic horseback riding, and kayaking. If you want to experience the culture of the area, you can explore its beautiful natural landscapes.

A high school education is required for residents to attend Molalla's public schools. It is located in Clackamas County, and contains two public high schools. A private school in Molalla serves 288 students and competes in the Oregon School Activities Association. In addition to the public schools, Molalla has a public elementary school and Renaissance Public Academy. The town also operates a public library. It is part of the Library Information Network of Clackamas County.

The population of Molalla, Oregon is comprised of native citizens and foreign born residents. In 2019, there were approximately thirty-two percent of native Oregon residents and forty-four percent of people who were foreign born. For the third consecutive year, the most foreign-born residents came from Mexico, where one in five Oregon residents was born. Vietnam and China each had around twenty-two percent of Molalla, OR residents.