Roff, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following facts and figures can help you learn more about the population of Roff City, Oklahoma. In particular, you can learn about the age distribution of the people living in the city. The following table lists the median ages for residents in Roff and nearby towns. You can also learn more about the ethnic groups that make up the area. For instance, Roff has a higher than average proportion of people aged 20 to 29 years old than Stratford. However, there are fewer people in Roff who are 60 years old or older.

In 2016, Roff was home to one eviction. While the state average was 28.3%, Roff had a lower rent burden than neighboring towns like Wanette and Alex. In 2016, 27.0% of the population occupied rental housing units in Roff. These numbers may be misleading, as some of these statistics do not accurately represent the population of the city. Roff has a smaller percentage of renters than nearby communities such as Lone Grove and Mannsville.

The population of Roff City is 715 people. The median household income is $36,875. The area's low poverty rate is 7.8%. The average commute time is 20 minutes. The median home price in Roff is $62,700. Roff's median home value increased 7.8% over the past decade. And the area's economy is not just built on ranching. Roff is home to a National Guard Armory.