Okarche, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the state of Oklahoma, the city of OKarche has a population of 94,000 and is home to around 37,000 housing units. The race composition of the city is approximately 79.8% white, 5.8% black, 2.7% American Indian, 4.1% Asian, and 0.1% Pacific Islander. Another important fact about the city is that 7.2% of the population is Hispanic. The median age is 36.3 years and the median household income is $101,811.

The crime rate in Okarche varies from one block to another, and it is higher in some neighborhoods than others. While this crime rate may not appear to be higher than in other parts of the city, it does indicate a higher level of crime in the central part of the city. However, despite the low crime rate in this city, crime still happens in places where fewer people frequent.

The median property value of Okarche, OK was $158,900. The homeownership rate was 76.8%, and the average commute time was 21.4 minutes. The average number of cars per household was also two. The population of Okarche is around 1,453 people. It is a very small city, but has many positive points for residents. If you are looking for a small town, OK may be a good place to live. The population is low and the people are friendly and welcoming.