Mustang, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the population and the steets of Mustang City, OK, then you have come to the right place. In this article, you will learn about the city's demographics, schools, housing market, and more. Also, you will learn how the city compares with neighboring areas. You will find out what the median household income is in Mustang City and how it compares with that of nearby areas.

The population of Mustang, OK is approximately 8,500 people. The median age is 34 years old. Those living below the poverty line are mostly white and Hispanic. There are about 93 percent of people with health insurance. The percentage of people who do not have health insurance is 7%. If you do not have health insurance, you may have to pay more than $1,200 per month to obtain it.

A township plat was filed in 1901 by banker Charles G. Jones, who had previously served as the mayor of Oklahoma City. In 1911, he bought a tract of 60 acres from the pioneer farmer Fred Mohr to begin developing the town's business district. Jones spent two years establishing the town's railroad stop and creating 28 businesses. Today, Mustang is a popular destination for travelers and residents alike.

Located in central Oklahoma, Mustang is a small town with convenient access to the larger metropolitan area. It is located at the intersection of State Highway 4 and State Highway 152. It is five minutes south of Interstate 40. A population census estimates that the population of Mustang City is 17,395 (up 32.2%). While it's a small town, Mustang is home to several diverse populations. Whether you are looking for a quiet place to retire or a vibrant community with plenty of outdoor activities, Mustang has something for everyone.