Coleman, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics of Coleman City, Texas are available from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. According to the latest data, the population of Coleman is expected to be 4,323 by 2020, down 386 people from the 2010 census. Coleman's population density is lower than the state average and the third lowest in the greater Coleman region. Both Bangs and Cross Plains have higher population densities than Coleman.

The census data in Coleman City, TX shows that the median age of residents is 42.4, while the age of residents in the Thunderbird Bay CDP is 16.0% higher than the age of citizens in Coleman. This information is also useful when planning your move to this city. You can learn more about the median age of Coleman residents by reading the city's census data, which includes information about the number of households per thousand people.