Altus Afb, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Altus Afb is more than five times larger than the Oklahoma average, and lives slightly worse than the national average. You can also customize the results by setting your search radius and deciding what categories are important. You can also change how much you want to spend on a home and how far you're willing to go to find it. After you've chosen your criteria, you can narrow down the results to the neighborhoods of Altus that suit your needs.

The crime rate in Altus Afb is higher than the national average. This city has few retail establishments and is therefore prone to crime. In addition, crime rates in Altus Afb are higher in areas where few people are present. So, if you're looking for a safe neighborhood, be sure to check the population and steets in Altus Afb before moving there.

The city of Altus Afb is located about four miles from the downtown area. Residents are encouraged to live in the city for its convenient location, while also enjoying a more rural atmosphere. If you're looking for a quieter community, consider Martha or Friendship, which have smaller populations but still offer easy access to the base. Lawton, the sixth largest city in Oklahoma, is also within easy reach of Altus Afb.

The city has a population of over twenty thousand, including three military bases. The area also contains seven banks, 43 churches, and a museum of the Western prairie. The city has an aldermanic form of government, though the city council voted to convert it to a charter on September 10, 2013.