Yorkville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are various statistics about the city's population and steets that are available online. If you want to learn more about Yorkville, you can view our Population & Steets in Yorkville City page. You will find demographics of local families and schools, as well as information on municipal services. The population of Yorkville City is approximately 24,000 people. It is located 50 miles southwest of Chicago along the Fox River.

The median property value in Yorkville, IL is $245,200. This value is almost 1.3 times higher than the national average. The city has a high homeownership rate of 74.7%, which is above the national average of 64.1%. The highest-paying industries in Yorkville are Utilities, Manufacturing, and Sales & Related Occupations. The city's median household income is $69,400.

Early settlers in the area founded the city in 1836. Its main street, Bridge Street, is still used by the local population today. Originally, Hydraulic Street and Bridge Street were designed for horse-drawn carriages and pedestrians, but they are now operated by the Illinois Railway. The Chapel on the Green, the city's oldest church, was built in 1840. This was one of the first towns in Kendall County.