Wilmot, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is provided for your informational needs:

The Wilmot, SD population is divided into buckets based on car ownership. There are two main types of car ownership in Wilmot: single-car households with multiple cars. In addition to car ownership, Wilmot, SD residents also share a similar demographic makeup. For example, 46.3% of the Wilmot population drive alone to work, 13.6% carpooled, and 6.45% walked. The chart below displays the percentage of households that use different modes of transportation in Wilmot City over time.

The population of Wilmot, SD is composed of people with different levels of education. A full quarter of the population is educated, with a 67% high school graduation rate. Another quarter of the population has completed a college degree, while only 7% has a master's degree. For those who are interested in studying the area's employment statistics, you can use the census data for the city.

The total population of Wilmot, SD is 560, with 94 households. The median home value is $131,250. The average household size is 3.44. The median household income is $51,215, and the poverty rate is 4.3%. The median rent in Wilmot is $608 a month, while the median home value is $67300. The median age in Wilmot is 45 years old, with 40.8 percent of residents being males. Females make up the rest of the population.