West Milton, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that West Milton, Ohio has a population of 4,790 people. Of that number, 2,703 are women and 2,087 are men. West Milton is part of the Dayton Metropolitan Statistical Area. You can find out more about West Milton, OH demographics, including the median household income. For those looking for employment opportunities, you may want to consider West Milton, OH.

The median age of residents is 39.3 years. A majority of residents are white, with an estimated 7.8% being Hispanic. Other important ancestry groups include Scottish, German, and English. More than half of the population is employed in some way. The median household income is $32,000, a bit above the national average. The area has a low unemployment rate at 2.2%, though, with only 16.5% of residents claiming to be unemployed.

Income inequality in West Milton, OH is low. Males earn $1,300 more than females, and the state has lower income inequality than the national average. West Milton, OH has a population of 2.44k, which is significantly lower than the United States. The area's economy is comprised of three major industries: Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. The local economy is highly dependent on these three industries, which are responsible for nearly half of the job market.

Roads in the area could be widened. For example, a pedestrian bridge over the Milton area would help people reach the shopping center, university, and other locations located in the city. This would eliminate the need for stoplights, and allow for extended bus service to Silver Saddle Road. It is also important to consider low-income housing needs. The area west of Milton is over a mile from the nearest public transportation stop, which means the area has a significant need for it.