West Millgrove, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

West Millgrove, OH has a median household income of $72,083. The area's highest-paying jobs are in production, transportation, and material moving. The median household income is 5.9% higher than the national average. There are 96 people employed in the city, with nearly 92 percent of those employed in manufacturing and the remaining seven percent working in retail trade. Overall, the city's population is highly educated.

The racial makeup of West Millgrove is diverse. Residents report being White, Native American, or a combination of both. They are also of German, English, Scottish, and Irish ancestry. In addition to English, several other important languages are also spoken in West Millgrove, including Italian, Spanish, French, and German. The race most likely to be a non-citizen is Other. Other races include Italian, Native American, and European.

The median age in West Millgrove, OH was 31. The area was home to 84 households. One in every three households was under the age of 18 years old. The remaining twenty-four percent were married couples. Only one in five was single, and another one had a female householder without her husband. The remaining four percent of households were not families. Interestingly, there were four senior citizens living alone.

The city's population is divided between two main categories, single and married. The area is home to six-in-ten families. The only other major difference is the proportion of married couples versus single-person households. West Millgrove has the highest percentage of married couples compared to the rest of the region. The area has a low proportion of male-headed families. It is also home to six percent of all residents.