Waynesfield, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will give you a general idea about the population and steets in Waynesfield City, Ohio. The population is primarily white, but there are also many other races, including Asian, African, and Hispanic. Other important ancestry groups are German, Irish, Lithuanian, and Dutch. English is the primary language spoken in Waynesfield, although other important languages include Spanish and Scandinavian languages.

Although violent crime rates per resident are much lower in the southeast, they are higher in northeast and southern neighborhoods. Because there are few recreational areas in Waynesfield, crime rates may appear to be higher than they are. Of course, crime happens wherever there are people. It is difficult to predict the rate of a given neighborhood based on crime alone, but the crime map below shows how Waynesfield stacks up against other cities of the same size and population.

The population of Waynesfield is expected to increase slightly by 2020. The population density is lower than most other places in the surrounding area. The population density in Waynesfield is just 2.1 people per square mile, which is the second lowest in the region. A high percentage of residents are living in poverty, but there are a number of other factors that help determine a city's poverty rate.

As for family life, families in Waynesfield are among the most prevalent in the city. Its public schools provide excellent services to children and parents, and the city has a high percentage of college-educated adults. The city's low crime rate makes it a desirable choice for families. If you are planning a move to Waynesfield, these statistics are sure to provide some helpful information for your future.