Waite Hill, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Waiting Hill City? These are the numbers that tell you the most about this Ohio city. While Waiting Hill's overall population is relatively low, it is still not an entirely safe city. For example, it is considered to have a low violent crime rate. That's not intuitive, but it does exist. The violent crime rate in Waite Hill is much lower than the national average.

The population of Waite Hill is 471 as of the 2010 census. The estimated population for 2020 is 452 people. The population is made up of males and females. The majority of citizens are ages thirty-four to forty-five. There are also many elderly people, as 33.8% of residents are 65 years or older. But what's the population of Waite Hill, Ohio like? The population is changing in a hurry.

The most common race in Waite Hill is white. However, there are also people of color and ethnicity. One-third of all Americans identify as African American. Aside from white people, a significant percentage of Waite Hill residents are Hispanic. The rest of the population is comprised of non-English-speaking people. If you want to learn more about the area's racial diversity, you can visit the About Waite Hill City page.

What's the Population & Steets in Waiting Hill City? In this Ohio city, the population of Waite Hill is very small, with approximately 2,000 residents. The average size of a household in Waiting Hill is two-and-a-half people. The city is also home to Gildersleeve Mountain, Lakeland Community College, and the Willoughby Hills.