Vanlue, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Vanlue is a diverse mix of people. It is mostly made up of whites, with 12.3% of the population identifying as African American. Another 0.7% identify as American Indian or Alaska Native. Almost a quarter of the population is Hispanic or Latino, and just 2.6% are other races. According to the United States Census Bureau, 61.1% of the city's population identify as white, while its neighbors are Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, or a combination of these groups.

The USPS has designated a ZIP code for the town of Vanlue, Ohio. While it has been called Vanlue by locals and has a similar name, the ZIP code is pronounced Vanlue. The estimated population of Vanlue is expected to reach 4,5,699 by 2020. The median home price is $114,900, and over the past decade, it has appreciated by 8.2%.

The number of eviction cases in Vanlue City is 0.3% lower than the average for the entire state of Ohio. However, a small percentage of evictions occurs at certain addresses. The city of Vanlue is considered a safe place to live, although residents of nearby towns can be evicted for a variety of reasons. If you are moving to Vanlue, be sure to take your time to do the necessary research.

The median property value of a home in Vanlue, OH is $80,800, 0.336 times lower than the national average. The average homeownership rate in Vanlue, OH is 81%, compared to 67.7% of the nation. In Vanlue, OH, the majority of residents own a car. The average household owns two cars, a false record. The percentage of people who own cars in Vanlue is also higher than the national average, with an average household having two.