Van Wert, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following infographic shows the Population & Steets in Vanwert City, Ohio. For a quick overview, there are 63,580 people in the city. This is a smaller city than Scott, OH. Compared to Van Wert, its population is 6.0% smaller. Moreover, the population is younger than the state average, at 35.9 years. Its average income is $11,693 per capita.

The median age for all residents of Van Wert was 39.6 in 2019. This figure includes those who were born in the city and those who were foreign-born. In addition to that, the median age of non-native citizens in the city was 57. The city's population is increasingly aging. Most of its residents were born in India, with Mexican and Chinese people making up the second and third most common groups.

Another interesting fact about Van Wert: the city was originally located in the Black Swamp. It was home to the first county library in the country, the Brumback Library. Many early settlers had to deal with swampy ground, mud, and malaria. Eventually, the swamp was drained and cultivated. Van Wert also became home to aviation pioneer Walter Hinton and famous baritone Charles W. Clark. The city also produced the world's first Liederkranz cheese, which was manufactured at the Borden plant.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Van Wert City has a population of 10,531 people. Of those, 5,678 people are women and 4,853 are men. During this time, Van Wert has become an important center for trade and oil discovery. This has resulted in its population growing slowly but steadily. The growth rate was steady, and it is now one of the largest cities in the area.