Twinsburg, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is provided to help you determine the population and steets of the city of Twinsburg, Ohio. The data is broken down by race, age, and gender. The white-collar population of the city has the highest poverty rate of 9.87 percent. For Twinsburg city, the largest percentage of workers is employed in manufacturing, while the minority of people work in retail and health care.

The city of Twinsburg is located in Summit County, Ohio. The population is expected to reach 19,338 by the year 2020, an increase of 0.47% over the 2010 census. The median household income in Twinsburg is $92,403, and the median house value is $220,200. The median age of residents in Twinsburg is 45 years old. The median age for males is 42.1 years old, while females are 47.4% older.

The median home value in Twinsburg is $206,878. There are 7,775 households in Twinsburg. The average household size is 2.51 people. The median household income in Twinsburg is $70,630, while the average household income is $82,452. The city has an 80% high school graduation rate. The population of Twinsburg is very diverse, making it an excellent location for many types of businesses.

The median annual household income in Twinsburg is $76,674, more than the national average of $65,712 per person. The median home price in Twinsburg is $142 per square foot, which means that if you're looking for an older two-bedroom house, you could get it for under $130,000. There are many new constructions in the area, but the prices are still low compared to many other cities in the state.