Sycamore, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a variety of ways to learn about the Population & Steets in Sycarmore City. While it is not possible to get exact numbers, it is possible to get an idea of how many people live in Sycamore City and commute to work in one of those ways. The latest American Community Survey released by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that more people live in Sycamore than in any other community in Illinois.

The census-reporting agencies have provided data on the city's population and steets for over 100 years. This is an invaluable tool in evaluating housing affordability in Sycamore City. The city's rent burden is lower than the Illinois average of 30.3% and lower than the average of neighboring cities. Sycamore's rent burden is also lower than the state's median, and the city's rent-to-own ratio is 85.7 to one for every 100 residents.

The population of Sycamore is approximately 17,572 and the median household income is $64,080. The area's poverty rate is a dismal 13%, making it a poor neighborhood. The median household income is $64,080, making it a low-income community. However, residents are more likely to have stable and comfortable housing than those in other neighborhoods. This means that the local economy is strong in Sycamore.