Summitville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Summitville is approximately 967. The city is located in the Madison County area of Indiana. The city is part of the Anderson, Indiana, Metropolitan Statistical Area. The median household income in Summitville is $66,250. The median age is 35 years. The median household size is 2 people. There are many single mothers, children, and elderly residents. The city has a slightly higher than average percentage of households with children.

The most common racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Summitville City are White, Two Or More, and Hispanic. The federal government sets income thresholds that are based on the size of a family and other factors. If a family's income is below these levels, then it is considered to be living in poverty. The majority of residents of Summitville City work in a profession that requires them to work for a living.

The average commute time in Summitville is 32 minutes, which is significantly longer than the state average of 24 minutes. People in Summitville generally drive, but public transportation isn't widely used. People also don't walk to work. Therefore, it's best to drive or take public transportation. You can plan your trip better if you know which cities are near Summitville. It's also a good idea to explore the area surrounding the town.

The average annual temperature in Summitville City is about 50Fdeg. There are 161 days with temperatures below 50 degrees. During the summer months, there are 77 rainy days and eight days with snowfall. In the winter, the average temperature is about 50Fdeg. The humidity level is less than 60 percent, with 78.6 days with low humidity. The hottest days are between August and February, and the shortest days are September and October.