Sugar Grove, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will cover Population & Steets in Sugargrove City. Sugar Grove has a population of over 80,000. The average commute time to work is about 41 minutes, and the median age is 39.5. Residents of Sugar Grove commute by car, public transportation, and 41 feet or less. The U.S. Census Bureau gathers demographic data on this city once a year. The data presented is not guaranteed to be accurate.

The racial makeup of Sugargrove is relatively even. Eighty-four percent of residents are white, while 7.1% are black or African-American. About one-third of residents are hispanic. The city has a poverty rate of 8.06%. However, there are many people who live below the poverty line. In addition, the city is home to more than half of the area's unemployed and underemployed.

The ESRI and Census Bureau provide information on renter-occupied housing units. During the year 2016, the number of renter-occupied units increased by 2%. In addition, the city had a single eviction during the year. Moreover, the percent of uninsured individuals is higher in Sugar Grove than in many other cities in the state. Aside from these, this information may help you make an informed decision.