Strongsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Strongsville City, Ohio, you'll want to look at the 2020 American Community Survey. The US Census Bureau gathers demographic data from various sources to determine how many people live in a community. The numbers are updated every year. The US Census Bureau cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data. However, the information is generally accurate. Using the latest available data, you'll be able to determine whether a community is livable or not.

The population of Strongsville is about 44,850 residents, with a median age of 45.7 years. There are a number of ethnic groups present in the city, with 87.4% being white and 4.5% being of Asian descent. There are also 0.55% residents of other races. However, most residents of Strongsville are white, with the median age of 45.7 years. The median household income is $61,548.

The median home value is $225,000. This is close to the national average. Similarly, healthcare and utility costs are relatively similar. Food and clothing shopping are higher than in other areas. Transportation costs are also higher than the state average. If you're looking for a place to live, Strongsville has a wide range of housing options. You can live in the suburbs or in the city center.

Strongsville has a number of schools. Strongsville City Schools consist of six elementary schools and one middle school. The city also has a number of private schools. There are no higher education institutions in Strongsville, but residents can access Cleveland and other nearby colleges. If you're looking for an apartment or a house, make sure you check the housing market's affordability before purchasing. Then, make sure you look at the prices in each neighborhood.