South Point, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of South Point City? The population of this small river city in extreme western West Virginia is 3,813 people. Its population growth rate from 2010 to 2020 is -0.7%. This city has a fast commute time: only 23.5 minutes, which is faster than the national average. There are no crime hotspots in South Point, but there are several places in the city that you should avoid if you're trying to live in a peaceful environment.

The highest percentage of residents living in South Point, OH are car owners, with an average of two cars. The highest percentage of residents living in South Point, OH work alone, and the lowest rate is 5.41 percent. The chart below shows how many households commute using each mode of transportation over time. The logarithmic scale helps to show changes in smaller means of commuting. The number of workers who commute via public transit or bicycle is shown below.

In addition to its low crime rate, South Point has a good education system. The livability score is calculated by combining various factors, including enrollment rates, teacher-to-student ratios, and student reviews. Overall, South Point ranks above average on these metrics. You can also enjoy a high standard of living for a relatively low cost. However, if you want to enjoy a high quality of life, this city might be the right choice for you.