South Amherst, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of South Amherst is slightly under two thousand. Retirees comprise twenty-one percent of the city's population, outnumbering young professionals in the entire state by over five to one. Approximately eighty-four percent of residents own their own homes, and the median income for the city is $668 per month. The city is home to a large number of people from all walks of life.

There were 1,500 households in South Amherst, Ohio in 2010. The majority of those living in these households were under the age of 18; thirty-six percent were between the ages of twenty-four and thirty-four. Another seventeen percent of households were headed by a woman without her husband; and forty-seven percent were non-families. The median age was twenty-three years. About ninety-eight percent of South Amherst residents were covered by health insurance, with the majority being employee plans. Individuals and senior citizens lived alone in small numbers; the percentages of each group were slightly lower than in other cities.

The median household income in South Amherst, OH is $58,641. This is slightly lower than the national average. The median income for households in South Amherst is $58,641, and the average household income is $58,641. There are 5 major ethnic groups in South Amherst, OH: White (Non-Hispanic) (93.9%), Latino/Latino (2.1%), Asian (0.4%), and Black/African-Americans (3.4%). The city has a low poverty rate, with no more than three percent of the population being poor.