Sherrodsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table lists the Population & Steets for Sherrodsville City, Ohio. These statistics can be useful for anyone looking for an overview of the town's population. In addition, the table can help anyone searching for nearby cities to explore. Whether you are looking to find the closest town to Sherrodsville, or if you're looking for an area outside the city, this table is a great resource.

Crime rates can vary a lot between neighborhoods. For example, you might notice that the northwest neighborhood has a crime rate of one in 19; while you might find a much lower rate in the southwestern section of the city. However, comparing crime rates is not as easy as it sounds. To get a better idea of the statistics, you can use a crime map that closely resembles a state population map. This map shows that crime rates are higher in the north part of the city, but are lower in the south.

The population of Sherrodsville City is 257 people, and the median household income is $40,625. The area's poverty rate is 10.8%, so it's important to keep these numbers in mind when choosing a neighborhood. Also, remember to check out the schools in the city. Some schools offer kindergarten and childcare. The area is a good choice for families, since it has a high school, a library, and parks and recreation.