Shauck, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you know about Shauck City, Michigan? Here is some information that you might find useful. This section provides information about the population and steets in Shauck City. Before you move to Shauck City, be sure to explore the rest of the area. For more information, see our guide to Shauck City, MI. Here, you can find all the necessary information about the town.

The population of Sauk City was 3,410 in the 2010 Census. It is the largest city in Sauk County and is growing at a rate of 0.03% per year. It has increased by 2.50% since the last census. It has a median house value of $207.400, and a median household income of $76,614. The median age is 45.5 years old, with 44.2 for males and 47.4 for females.